No regrets
There are two kinds of people in the world – cat people and dog people, and we’re not saying that there’s anything wrong with cat people, but a dog would never stare you in the eye while doing its business in your hoodie. They might pee in your hoodie by mistake, but they’d be shy and quiet about it. Cats, on the other hand, might do it out of spite.

Judging by the look on his face, it certainly seems like this cat did this out of spite. He doesn’t seem apologetic in any way, but rather like he’s thinking, “I’ll do it again.” Now that we’ve made it pretty clear we’re dog people, we’d be happy to hear your counter argument, but it might by hard to claim otherwise with this cat staring at you.
Seems legit
Cats and dogs are different in many ways, but they are also alike in many ways. For example, they both like to catch mice and bring them into the house; it’s in their nature and they just can’t resist it. That’s why there’s no point in shaming them about it. I can see how a pet might feel bad about peeing on the couch, but they’d never feel bad about catching a mouse.

This person was probably horrified to see their cat proudly stroll in the house with a mouse in their mouth and they didn’t know how to react. You can train your pet to be obedient, but you can’t teach them something that’s against their nature; you can’t explain to them why catching mice and bringing them inside the house is bad behavior.
Christmas greetings
We’ve already said that dogs would eat anything that comes their way, and this photo is the perfect example. We’re not sure what it is about the Christmas ornaments that appealed to this dog; it doesn’t have any particular smell, certainly not an appetizing one, and it doesn’t even look like food. But for dogs, it doesn’t matter.

Perhaps this dog was feeling the holiday spirit in the air and was trying to be festive. Either way, scooping “fabulous disco poo” sounds like an interesting experience, and hey, the dog probably suffered from some digestion issues, so he’s already been punished.
Working from home isn’t always easy and it poses different challenges for each of us. Some of us have a hard time adjusting to a new routine (which is really no-routine), others miss seeing people in the office and on the street, and for pet owners, perhaps the biggest challenge is their pets. Either way, it takes time getting used to this new reality.

This was a big change on our pets as well, and adjusting to a new reality took its toll on them as well. It was probably hard on them seeing us home all day and not giving them attention around the clock. Perhaps this is the reason why this dog decided to “moo like a cow” whenever his human was on business calls. This was just his way to get his human’s attention, and it seems like it worked.
There isn’t such thing as “too friendly”
One of the things we like most about dogs is their friendly nature. They are kind and loyal creatures, but above all, they are friendly. The best part about dogs is that, unlike us humans, their friendliness is genuine; they truly mean it, they aren’t just being polite and they aren’t being hypocrites. That’s what makes them so lovable (unlike cats, for that matter).

This dog is a perfect example: the kids in the van probably waved and smiled at this little boy, and he couldn’t resist his instinct to jump over there and say hi! That’s another great thing about dogs – they don’t always think before they act, but follow their instincts. It could often lead to trouble, but it can also result in sweet encounters and unexpected friendships.
Something stinks
We know that cats and dogs like to chase and catch mice, but it doesn’t end there. Dogs enjoy chasing pretty much anything that crosses their vision. In this case, Apollo the husky challenged a skunk, against his best odds, and unfortunately, he has lost the battle. The odds were against him to begin with, but it’s not in his nature to run away from a fight.

Now he’s not the only one who has to suffer, but his entire family suffers from the smell, all because he was too proud to walk away. There’s a valuable lesson here, but we’re not quite sure what it is. Don’t try to take on skunks, because they will spray you? Or learn to walk away from a fight?
Call the Sheriff
We just saw how Apollo had to pay the price for chasing a skunk, and it seems like his friend Beau didn’t learn his lesson either. After chasing a groundhog into his hole for the first time, and getting stuck, Beau went on to repeat the mistake for the second time. Perhaps he thought the second time he’d magically fit in the hole.

Dogs don’t appreciate it when other animals invade their territory – that is, their yard or even their street – and they take it upon themselves to chase the invaders away. However, this doggo mistakenly thought he could beat the sneaky groundhog and got himself in a jam. Luckily for him, he’s sweet enough to get away with punishment.
Cat life
Cats are known for their hunting skills, which make them ultimate predators, but while domestic cats don’t need to use these skills to hunt for food, they find other creative uses for their predator skills. Instead of using his hunting skills to prey on food, Darrel the cat used his skills to sneak into his human’s trailer and join them on a one-in-a-lifetime adventure.

Imagine how much this cat has seen in only three hours; he learned all about the wonders of hotels and after having that experience, he could never go back to his normal life. This experience has changed him for ever. Darrel the cat sure knows how to live.
Ruby the ferret
Ruby the ferret was feeling playful and he decided it would be fun to play a game of scavenger’s hunt with his human. The mischievous ferret took all the dirty socks out of the laundry bag and hid them all over the house. Going through this list, it turns out ferrets are a lot more clever than we thought.

We always thought ferrets are good for nothing and their only skill is sleeping 18 hours a day, but this list of photos proves us wrong. We’re used to losing our socks for the washing machine, but we’d never suspect our pet for stealing them. However, when you find them hidden around the house, it becomes clear there was a naughty mind behind it.
The underwear bandit strikes again
Is is just us, or is “underwear bandit” a really great name for a band? Just a thought we wanted to put our there. Now for the business in order: after all the shenanigans we’ve seen on the list already, we thought nothing could surprise us, but this dog managed to do it. Turns out ferrets like stealing socks, and dogs are into stealing underwear. If they put their minds together, they could complete an entire wardrobe.

It would have been one thing if this little guy was just stealing the underwear for fun, but giving them to the house guests is another thing, and that’s where you need to draw the line. We know dogs like to fetch things to guests as peace offerings, but they usually fetch a ball or a piece of wood, not personal under garments.
Who’s a good boy?
Huxley the Golden Retriever goes by many names; Huxley get down, Huxley drop it, Huxley I’m serious stop it, Huxley be gentle and simply “Huxxlleeyyyy.” A dog’s nickname can tell you a lot about its personality, and you can tell Huxley is a dog who doesn’t like following orders. We’re not saying he isn’t a good boy, just that he could use some training.

Hugo the Golden Retriever, on the other hand, goes by just one plain name. Does it mean he’s a good boy, unlike Huxley? Not necessarily. Maybe it just means that Huxley is more friendly and energetic. With a name like Huxley, what did you expect?
Cookie monster
Willis the dog has decided to take the phrase “easy like stealing candy from a baby” to a new level – a literal level. Maybe he wanted to see if it was really that easy, and after doing it once, he realized the hard part was to stop doing it. Now, he’s a serial cookie thief.

Whenever he steals those cookies from the strollers, he gets this sugar rush which makes him want to steal again. Hide your babies, or better yet, hide your cookies, because a hungry dog is on the loose. Don’t be fooled by his innocent gaze, his buttoned-nose and his big, brown eyes – this dog is out for cookies.
Freeloading slacker
Part of the reason why people keep farm animals, such as chickens, is for their eggs. Let’s be honest, it’s a sweet deal for both sides: the chicken gets to live happily, and more importantly, freely, in someone’s backyard, in the best conditions a chicken could possibly hope for, and all they ask in return are some fresh eggs.
Amusing Pet Antics and Their Fitting Punishment
No regrets
There are two kinds of people in the world – cat people and dog people, and we’re not saying that there’s anything wrong with cat people, but a dog would never stare you in the eye while doing its business in your hoodie. They might pee in your hoodie by mistake, but they’d be shy and quiet about it. Cats, on the other hand, might do it out of spite.

Judging by the look on his face, it certainly seems like this cat did this out of spite. He doesn’t seem apologetic in any way, but rather like he’s thinking, “I’ll do it again.” Now that we’ve made it pretty clear we’re dog people, we’d be happy to hear your counter argument, but it might by hard to claim otherwise with this cat staring at you.
Seems legit
Cats and dogs are different in many ways, but they are also alike in many ways. For example, they both like to catch mice and bring them into the house; it’s in their nature and they just can’t resist it. That’s why there’s no point in shaming them about it. I can see how a pet might feel bad about peeing on the couch, but they’d never feel bad about catching a mouse.

This person was probably horrified to see their cat proudly stroll in the house with a mouse in their mouth and they didn’t know how to react. You can train your pet to be obedient, but you can’t teach them something that’s against their nature; you can’t explain to them why catching mice and bringing them inside the house is bad behavior.
Christmas greetings
We’ve already said that dogs would eat anything that comes their way, and this photo is the perfect example. We’re not sure what it is about the Christmas ornaments that appealed to this dog; it doesn’t have any particular smell, certainly not an appetizing one, and it doesn’t even look like food. But for dogs, it doesn’t matter.

Perhaps this dog was feeling the holiday spirit in the air and was trying to be festive. Either way, scooping “fabulous disco poo” sounds like an interesting experience, and hey, the dog probably suffered from some digestion issues, so he’s already been punished.
Working from home isn’t always easy and it poses different challenges for each of us. Some of us have a hard time adjusting to a new routine (which is really no-routine), others miss seeing people in the office and on the street, and for pet owners, perhaps the biggest challenge is their pets. Either way, it takes time getting used to this new reality.

This was a big change on our pets as well, and adjusting to a new reality took its toll on them as well. It was probably hard on them seeing us home all day and not giving them attention around the clock. Perhaps this is the reason why this dog decided to “moo like a cow” whenever his human was on business calls. This was just his way to get his human’s attention, and it seems like it worked.
There isn’t such thing as “too friendly”
One of the things we like most about dogs is their friendly nature. They are kind and loyal creatures, but above all, they are friendly. The best part about dogs is that, unlike us humans, their friendliness is genuine; they truly mean it, they aren’t just being polite and they aren’t being hypocrites. That’s what makes them so lovable (unlike cats, for that matter).

This dog is a perfect example: the kids in the van probably waved and smiled at this little boy, and he couldn’t resist his instinct to jump over there and say hi! That’s another great thing about dogs – they don’t always think before they act, but follow their instincts. It could often lead to trouble, but it can also result in sweet encounters and unexpected friendships.
Something stinks
We know that cats and dogs like to chase and catch mice, but it doesn’t end there. Dogs enjoy chasing pretty much anything that crosses their vision. In this case, Apollo the husky challenged a skunk, against his best odds, and unfortunately, he has lost the battle. The odds were against him to begin with, but it’s not in his nature to run away from a fight.

Now he’s not the only one who has to suffer, but his entire family suffers from the smell, all because he was too proud to walk away. There’s a valuable lesson here, but we’re not quite sure what it is. Don’t try to take on skunks, because they will spray you? Or learn to walk away from a fight?
Call the Sheriff
We just saw how Apollo had to pay the price for chasing a skunk, and it seems like his friend Beau didn’t learn his lesson either. After chasing a groundhog into his hole for the first time, and getting stuck, Beau went on to repeat the mistake for the second time. Perhaps he thought the second time he’d magically fit in the hole.

Dogs don’t appreciate it when other animals invade their territory – that is, their yard or even their street – and they take it upon themselves to chase the invaders away. However, this doggo mistakenly thought he could beat the sneaky groundhog and got himself in a jam. Luckily for him, he’s sweet enough to get away with punishment.
Cat life
Cats are known for their hunting skills, which make them ultimate predators, but while domestic cats don’t need to use these skills to hunt for food, they find other creative uses for their predator skills. Instead of using his hunting skills to prey on food, Darrel the cat used his skills to sneak into his human’s trailer and join them on a one-in-a-lifetime adventure.

Imagine how much this cat has seen in only three hours; he learned all about the wonders of hotels and after having that experience, he could never go back to his normal life. This experience has changed him for ever. Darrel the cat sure knows how to live.
Ruby the ferret
Ruby the ferret was feeling playful and he decided it would be fun to play a game of scavenger’s hunt with his human. The mischievous ferret took all the dirty socks out of the laundry bag and hid them all over the house. Going through this list, it turns out ferrets are a lot more clever than we thought.

We always thought ferrets are good for nothing and their only skill is sleeping 18 hours a day, but this list of photos proves us wrong. We’re used to losing our socks for the washing machine, but we’d never suspect our pet for stealing them. However, when you find them hidden around the house, it becomes clear there was a naughty mind behind it.
The underwear bandit strikes again
Is is just us, or is “underwear bandit” a really great name for a band? Just a thought we wanted to put our there. Now for the business in order: after all the shenanigans we’ve seen on the list already, we thought nothing could surprise us, but this dog managed to do it. Turns out ferrets like stealing socks, and dogs are into stealing underwear. If they put their minds together, they could complete an entire wardrobe.

It would have been one thing if this little guy was just stealing the underwear for fun, but giving them to the house guests is another thing, and that’s where you need to draw the line. We know dogs like to fetch things to guests as peace offerings, but they usually fetch a ball or a piece of wood, not personal under garments.
Who’s a good boy?
Huxley the Golden Retriever goes by many names; Huxley get down, Huxley drop it, Huxley I’m serious stop it, Huxley be gentle and simply “Huxxlleeyyyy.” A dog’s nickname can tell you a lot about its personality, and you can tell Huxley is a dog who doesn’t like following orders. We’re not saying he isn’t a good boy, just that he could use some training.

Hugo the Golden Retriever, on the other hand, goes by just one plain name. Does it mean he’s a good boy, unlike Huxley? Not necessarily. Maybe it just means that Huxley is more friendly and energetic. With a name like Huxley, what did you expect?
Cookie monster
Willis the dog has decided to take the phrase “easy like stealing candy from a baby” to a new level – a literal level. Maybe he wanted to see if it was really that easy, and after doing it once, he realized the hard part was to stop doing it. Now, he’s a serial cookie thief.

Whenever he steals those cookies from the strollers, he gets this sugar rush which makes him want to steal again. Hide your babies, or better yet, hide your cookies, because a hungry dog is on the loose. Don’t be fooled by his innocent gaze, his buttoned-nose and his big, brown eyes – this dog is out for cookies.
Freeloading slacker
Part of the reason why people keep farm animals, such as chickens, is for their eggs. Let’s be honest, it’s a sweet deal for both sides: the chicken gets to live happily, and more importantly, freely, in someone’s backyard, in the best conditions a chicken could possibly hope for, and all they ask in return are some fresh eggs.

Now, because this hen didn’t hold up her end of the deal, this person had to buy his eggs at the grocery store like one of the commoners. Who knew chickens could slack off on the job? We thought laying eggs comes naturally to them. This person didn’t give up, however, but he probably hoped that after this public shaming, the hen would pull her act together.
This escalated quickly
Some people prefer cats to dogs because they are “more hygienic.” This photo probably makes you think twice, doesn’t it? Cats often seem to be low-maintenance compared to dogs; they make sure to clean themselves on a regular basis, they do their business in a box, they are private about it and they cover it up.

However, Puddy here is proof that not all cats are low-maintenance. While he dragged his poop out of the litter box by accident, and his intentions were good throughout the way, he only made it worse by rubbing it on the carpet, trying to hide it and then sitting on it. With dogs, on the other hand, this could’ve never happened in the first place, since they take their business outside.
She’s overrated anyway
This poor Shiba Inu was probably trying to play with Alexa, and he ended up chewing it and ruining the expensive AI machine. The innocent look on his face says it all. Alexa isn’t a real person, despite what some people seem to think, and it’s not even a living creature, so if you ask us, it’s not that big of a crime. It’s an innocent mistake that would cost this family 50 bucks – when you adopt a pet, you acknowledge there could be casualties of the likes.

Or perhaps this Shiba Inu is wiser than what we give him credit for; perhaps he felt as if Alexa was taking his place in the household. We already know dogs are very possessive and protective of their clan, and so perhaps this was no accident at all, and he thought the house only had place for one dog.
That’s a cat for you
One of the biggest advantages of having a pet is that they ensure your house would be clean of rodents; whether you have a dog or a cat, you can count on them to hunt down any mouse that invades the house. In fact, some people even adopt a pet so that they could serve as pest control.

However, this arrangement might have a down side. This cat felt so proud after catching the mouse, she wanted to show off to her human mother. When she wouldn’t wake up, the natural thing for the cat was to put the mouse in her mother’s mouth – after all, that’s how she holds a mouse, so there’s nothing wrong about it.
Food for the soul
Maybe cats aren’t as bad as dogs when it comes to food, but some cats, like this one, can be gluttonous. Dogs are notorious food beggars, but cats aren’t always better. This cat figured out a way to satisfy his never-ending hunger – whenever he wants food, all he has to do is meow. He figured out that meowing, in human language, means the cat is hungry.

This method has worked for a while, until this person figured out what his cat was doing. To make sure he isn’t fed too many times a day, he put this creative note on the cat’s collar – “I have been fed. My meows are lies.” Judging by his expression, the cat isn’t happy about this.
The lord of the mansion
It’s no secret that cats like to be in control, they like to think they are the true owners of the house, and us humans are just there to humor them and provide them with food, and we should be thankful for their presence. This cat certainly thinks he owns this house and he could do whatever he wants.

So he picked out a spot that was both comfortable, overlooking the house and provides a good street view – where he could rest and still be in control of everything that’s going on around him. Of course, this spot was problematic. Since he ruined the blinds, this family couldn’t get their house deposit back.
Peanut butter
We’re not sure why this dog has only licked the peanut butter off the toast instead of eating the snack in its entirety, but we can take a guess: he wanted to steal some food off the table, like all dogs do, but he didn’t want to be caught, so he only licked the topping. It even worked for a while, until this person realized something wasn’t right.

Our second guess is that he wanted to pull a prank on his human; in a way, it almost seems too weird that the cat would only lick the peanut butter and not eat the entire toast, and we’re starting to suspect this was a prank, and he was standing there looking at his dad enjoying his breakfast and secretly laughing.
The vet bills are extraordinary
Fat shaming is wrong and unacceptable, but what about cat shaming? Pan is a glutton, and apparently, his owners think he should be ashamed about it. Some cats are very active; they like to jump around, climb on furniture and chase butterflies in the backyard, while other cats are lazy and like to sleep all day. Pan must belong to the second group.

Generally, we think chubby animals are adorable (as well as chubby babies), but looking at this picture, we realize there’s “chubby and adorable” and then there’s “extraordinary vet bills” and there’s a fine line between them. Perhaps they aren’t trying to shame him after all, but they are simply concerned about his health.
But why?
When we said dogs eat anything that comes their way, we weren’t talking about puzzle pieces, but food. They aren’t picky eaters, but we had no idea they could actually eat anything that comes their way. Yet, we can’t understand what he sees about it; those tiny puzzle pieces are tasteless, scentless and hard (a lot like hard candy).

Much like the mysterious case of the sock in the washing machine (you know the drill, when you put a pair of socks in the machine and only one comes out), puzzle pieces somehow always disappear mysteriously. In every puzzle set, there has to be at least one missing piece. This photo solves the riddle, at least for this family.
Mischievous Toucan challenges pet store owner
Whether intentionally or not, this mischievous toucan made the entire staff stay another half hour after the shift was over, looking for the store keys. We’ll never know why he stole those keys from Alex – perhaps he thought it was food? – but this toucan gave everyone at the store a run for their money.

Working at a pet store sounds like a pretty fun job (aside from the smell), but we never imagined it could become so challenging all because of one toucan. If we had to say which pet might cause problems at the store, we’d put our money on either a snake or a curious puppy, not a bird.
Dog architect
This dog decided she needs easy access to the backyard, and since she couldn’t use her words to tell her parents she needs a doggy door (barking wouldn’t help), she decided to take matters into her own paws. Her family should appreciate this initiative, since she saved them the time and money they would have invested in that door.

Only, unintentionally, she caused the opposite effect; now they’d need to pay twice as much – to fix the screen door and get a proper doggy door. They always have the best of intentions, but sometimes dogs can be a handful.
Wake up call
We know cats think they are the owners of the house and they are entitled to do whatever they want. We can’t tolerate entitled people, but somehow, when it comes to cats, we can forgive their arrogance. This cat was bored and wanted some attention at 4 a.m., but unfortunately, his human mother was sleeping.

Of course, he couldn’t wait, so the only solution was to wake her up. When the scratching and meowing didn’t work, the cat dribbled in her eye. What a way to start the day! Online shaming doesn’t seem like a sufficient punishment in this case, but what else could she do? He only did it to get some attention.
Like stealing candy from a baby
We’ve already seen that dogs don’t think before they act – they see something they want and they immediately act on their instincts. For example, they see a cat down the street and they immediately start chasing it, or they see a burger in the next car and they jump out the window to get a bite of the delicious bun.

The person eating the burger was probably confused and surprised, and the entire thing ended within seconds, so they didn’t even have the time to react. A whopping achievement for the dog and a whopping embarrassment for this person, and all because of a Whopper.
He sounds like a delight
The relationship between cats and humans dates back centuries; different cultures around the world have always been fond of cats. We’ve always tried to control them and domesticate them and we’ve never realized cats have their own will and they can never be fully domesticated. Even if we bring them into our house and call them our pets, it’s nothing but an illusion.

Take this cat, for example. He brings snakes into the house just to scare his human mother, although she’s done nothing to deserve it. Will he ever stop? Probably not. Does it matter that she’s scared out of her wits every time she sees a snake slither around the house? Definitively not.
Not the longest thread in the needle
If you’ve ever owned a cat, you probably know how much they enjoy playing with yarn or dangling toys. That’s because as felines, they are sensitive to motion and react to the smallest motion around them. This cat was harmlessly playing with some yarn, but it turned out it wasn’t so harmless after all, as he ended up eating his mom’s knitting.

His stomach didn’t react to the yarn as well as he had hoped and the fiasco ended in digestion issues. You’d probably think this stopped him from repeating the mistake and playing with yarn again, but this isn’t the case. The cat can’t get enough of his yarn.
When the punishment fits the crime
We don’t think it’s fair to punish the dog in this case; these people should have known better. Dogs are notorious for chewing stuffed animals – what did they expect? Why get a dog a teddy bear as a toy if you don’t want him to chew it? It was only a matter of time until something bad happened to this teddy bear.

While we think it’s a bit unfair to punish the dog for doing what’s in his nature – chewing stuffed toys – we think they’ve found an appropriate punishment for the crime – wearing the head of his victim. We’re not sure Phife even understands what’s going on, but they’ve made their point.
Puppy charger
We’ve said that it’s in the dog’s nature to chew on things, and this includes not only slippers and stuffed animals, but anything in the house. In the previous photo, the family should be thankful the victim was a five-dollars teddy bear. Pacino the puppy needed something to chew on, and he had his eyes set on a laptop charger.

When working from home, our laptop charger is our best friend, and so this person must have been quite upset when they arrived at the scene of the crime. We have to say, though, this puppy looks like he knows he’s done something bad and he’s full of remorse; don’t you think?
Hedgehog life
Hedgehogs are incredibly sweet animals, or so we thought. They look adorable and they photograph well for Instagram (we’re all familiar with the “this hedgehog is rooting for you” meme), and it makes us think they would make great pets. These little fuzzy, ball-shaped, long-nosed creatures seem so sweet and innocent, don’t they?

It turns out they aren’t as sweet and innocent as most of us seem to think. This little hedgehog has a habit of crawling into slippers and leaving a smelly, unpleasant surprise there, sort of like leaving his mark or marking his territory. Do you still think hedgehogs are incredibly sweet and harmless?
Team work
This dog-sitter happened to keep some harmless, yet naughty snacks in her purse, and these naughty little creatures happened to find them. Of course, they didn’t know what they were eating or how it would affect them – for them, it looked as delicious as any other snack. What probably made these candy even more delicious was that they were forbidden – like the forbidden fruit.

This ended in a $1000 visit to the vet and a funny story to share at dinner parties. We don’t know what ever happened to the dog-sitter, but we can imagine they had to let her go. We only have one question left: how did the dog feel about the special candy?
Keeping it fresh
Perhaps this dog wanted to freshen his breath before a big date (we can’t blame him, dog food stinks), or perhaps he just likes the taste of mint. Either way, us humans know that nothing is good in excess, even healthy food isn’t good for us if we consume too much of it. This dog, unfortunately, had to learn it the hard way.

At least the note says “almost got sick,” emphasis on “almost.” We’re glad nothing happened to this little guy, but at the same time, we hope he was sick enough to ensure he never repeats this mistake. I’m sure pet owners in the crowd would agree dogs have a habit of forgetting and repeating their mistakes.
We’re trying to make a case here that not all cats are the same, but there’s one thing all cats share, and that’s a complete disregard of our property. They might be doing that on purpose, they might be doing it unintentionally, but either way, cats act as if the house is theirs and they can do whatever they want around it.

Binx here is a perfect example, and this photo couldn’t have been taken at a better time. The sign says Binx is the reason why they can’t have nice things, while Binx demonstrates this claim – sticking his head though the blinds in the background. His big, bright eyes make it difficult to stay mad at him.
Cereal thief
We don’t know why they chose to mention the hair-tie stealing thing first – clearly, eating from their cereal bowl when they aren’t looking is a worse crime. Either way, this cat is in trouble. It seems like this person has finally found every one of their hair ties that ever went missing – stashed in the cat’s bed.

When you think about it, hair ties are an ultimate toy for a cat; they are small, round and stretchy. Much like socks or puzzle pieces, we always lose our hair ties and we’re in constant need of them. Now, the mystery is finally solved – blame it on your cat (provided that you have a cat).
False alarm
Our pets become members of the family from the moment we bring them home, and so we care for them as if they were our babies. This poor dog probably felt like he was dying, but in his family’s defense, he gave them a real scare; it’s not every day you see your dog run through the house screaming, and it must be an alarming sight.

The dog was probably equally scared, which is why he was helplessly running around the house. All in all, this sounds like a pretty hilarious situation, and we’re sorry we weren’t there to witness it. We’re not saying there’s anything funny about a dog in pain, but at least everything turned out okay.
This cat deserves to be shamed
Okay, usually we’re trying to take the pet’s side, but this has to be intentional. If it happened once, we’d say it was an honest mistake, if it happened twice, we’d let it go because he’s sweet, but the running away part makes this kitten look rather suspicious. He probably wants to flee the scene of the crime, but running away only makes him look guilty.

We must admit he’s a funny fella’, and we think this note was written in anger mixed with humor (and we appreciate the illustration). That being said, we hardly think this punishment would put an end to this nasty habit, and it sounds like a real problem.
We love you, Penny
This is a rookie mistake, and we can’t even blame the cat for this one: Penny is just being a cat, doing what any other cat would do, climbing on furniture. The owners of this cat should know better – cats can climb and jump on any piece of furniture they want, they are quite flexible and very talented, and they should expect nothing less of her.

We want to believe Penny doesn’t break their favorite things on purpose, but she just likes to climb from cabinet to cabinet as a favorite pastime. They should’ve learned by now to keep their valuable belongings inside the cabinets, or put them at a spot where they can’t fall down and break.
Not all the glitters is gold
Whenever we go to the beach, we spend the next three weeks finding sand everywhere around the house and on our body and hair. Glitter is a lot like sand; it looks golden and beautiful, but it’s hard to get rid of. If you ever had to clean your house after a surprise party, you might know that glitter is almost impossible to clean.

You think you’ve cleaned it all, but then for the next three weeks, you notice those tiny glitters everywhere you step. This dog wanted to help his human get rid of this dangerous box of glitters, so he ate it. Once again, the intentions are good, the execution not as much.
But mostly the staring
how a sweet dog like this one could make anyone uncomfortable is beyond us, but we can understand how the farts would put a dent on a dinner party. When dogs are staring at their humans it usually means they’re either seeking attention or they’re seeking food, and it’s usually sweet until the point when it gets annoying.

We all enjoy visiting friends with pets, but after a while we get tired of petting them. The farts certainly don’t make it any better. The look on this dog’s face almost make it seem as if he knows what he’s being shamed for.
You’re in my spot
Sheldon Cooper isn’t the only one with a favorite seat on the couch – the seat with the best TV angle, the best view of the kitchen and the most comfortable pillow. We all have a favorite spot in the living room, and so do our pets. No matter how many dog pillows we buy for them, they’ll always prefer sitting on the couch, next to us.

This little guy is no different. While most dogs who aren’t allowed on the couch wait for the human to leave the house before they take over the living room, this dog has another method. He pretends like he wants to play, and when his father gets up, he swifts in and takes over the best seat in the house.
Again with the birds?
We’re starting to detect a pattern here of birds who enjoy terrorizing humans for no apparent reason. This is the third rooster now that is being punished for bullying. We never realized roosters could be such bullies.

Much like the other rooster we’ve seen on this list, the look in his eyes is fearless, almost like this rooster knows that he’s being punished, but it doesn’t faze him in the least. This rooster seems like he’s proud of the job he’s done (i.e., terrorizing tiny humans) and he’s ready to do it again.
That’s a first
We’ve heard of dogs doing all kinds of strange things, from jumping out of cars to bringing the guests intimate clothing items, but this is a first. Every dog has its own eccentricities, and this one likes to lick people’s bums when they aren’t looking. We want to say it’s disturbing, but the playful look on his face makes it seem so innocent.

I would learn my lesson and lock the bathroom’s door while taking a shower, and if there’s no lock on the door, I would install one. Instead, these people decided to shame their dog online. As always, it’s hard to believe the dog understand he is being punished, and I don’t this will help him get over his dirty habit.
Cat’s food
We know dogs would eat anything, but we think this bulldog might have sank to a new low. Then again, is there really a big difference between cat food and dog food? For us it’s cat food and dog food, but perhaps for our pets it’s only food? I guess we’ll never have an answer to this question.

Is cat food better than dog food in any way? They seem pretty similar for us humans – dog food and cat food looks the same, smells the same, and both kinds are smelly and unappetizing, but what if dogs consider cat food something delicious and unattainable – like human food?
Now you’ve crossed the line
In the past several months, for some reason no one can explain, toilet paper has become more valuable than diamonds. People stocked up on toilet paper as if it was the cure to all their problems. These dogs, however, don’t have a sense of the monetary value of objects – for them, those are just rolls of paper, and everything around the house, including that, is there for their entertainment.

Dogs are known for chewing on slippers, table legs or pillows, but it seems as if they’ve found a new favorite chew toy: toilet paper. No matter how many fancy (and expensive) chewing toys we might buy them, dogs will always prefer to chew on our belongings. Why? No one knows, perhaps that’s their way of showing us affection.
They never learn
Okay, if dogs can eat a shower curtain, they can certainly enjoy cat food. We don’t understand how this dog has managed to eat and digest a 6-foot leash; maybe he couldn’t, and that’s why he had an unpleasant visit to the vet’s office. After what sounds like a traumatic experience, this dog goes on and eat a shower curtain.

If this kind of behavior doesn’t deserve online shaming, nothing does. Joking aside, it sounds like this dog might have a problem – we joke about dogs eating anything that comes their way, but this sounds like it might be dangerous. Perhaps instead of shaming him, they should check him.
Time out
A ‘time out” is a common punishment for children at school or kindergarten – when they misbehave, they are separated from their friends, so that they could think and reflect about what they’ve done. Dogs can resemble young children in many ways, so it makes sense to give them similar punishments, right?

It depends on who you ask. This family seems to think a “time out” is an effective punishment for dogs, but we beg to differ. Children might spend their time out reflecting on their behavior, but dogs forget what they did wrong pretty quickly.
Cleaning day
Cleaning day should always be a group effort – every member of the family is responsible for another area of the house, and together the job gets done quickly and efficiently. This little guy wanted to join in on the effort, so he took it upon himself to clean the dining room.

The first order of business was to empty the garbage bin, but it didn’t go as planned. Instead of cleaning the house, he made a bigger mess. You can tell by his apologetic expression that he knows he did something wrong and he’s sorry (unlike a certain rooster we’ve seen earlier on the list).
We all have our own religious beliefs and we accept the different ways people choose to express them. Our dogs, on the other hand, don’t understand the concept of religion and why it’s so important to respect people’s religious traditions. That’s why this little guy was constantly sneaking into the neighbors’ house stealing their religious food offerings.

For him, those were just delicious treats that were left outside for anyone to take. I would be more upset about the breaking and entering, rather than the food stealing. Either way, perhaps the neighbors should put put two bowls of treats – one as religious offerings and the other one for the dog.
Guilty pleasure #2
We’ve already seen how strange dogs can be, but this is probably the worst habit we’ve seen yet. From dogs eating cat food, shower curtains and pretty much anything that comes to mind, this seems like the worst treat he could find.

Taking our dogs to the park at least once a day is crucial for them; they enjoy the fresh air, the vast space to run around and playing with other dogs. This dog has another reason why he enjoys going to the park. Perhaps they should consider taking him to a different park, though.
Denial is the name of the game
This team of hush-puppies has committed a crime together, but one of them is willing to let his friend take all the blame, and the other one tries to deny he did anything wrong. Perhaps he really thought this charger cable was a black snake, or maybe he knows he did something wrong.

The other one is denying the entire thing. Even if he didn’t take part in this crime, he must’ve seen it happen, which makes him an accessory. The ultimate punishment for such a crime is – you guessed it – online shaming.
Hat of shame
This little guy has a weird habit – for some reason, he likes to chew the caps of the toilet bolt. His family has found the perfect way to teach him a lesson and make sure he never chews on these caps again. Now, he walks around the house wearing the chewed caps as a token of shame.

It might be annoying when our dogs chew our slippers or pieces of clothing, but it’s rather harmless, and it’s normal. Chewing the toilet bolt caps, on the other hand, can be quite dangerous – not as much for the dog, but for the house.
Got you
Reading this sign, we find it hard to believe this dog has any malicious intent – he’s probably just sensitive to back scratching. We can imagine the scratching takes down his guard and he can’t control himself. The look on his face says it all – he looks like he’s being punished for no fault of his own.

His family should’ve learned by now that scratching his back might be dangerous, although it’s probably hard to resist when he comes over with those big, gleaming eyes waiting to be petted. Either way, we’re sure this online shaming did the trick.
It was worth it
We can see how a bag of shredded mozzarella would give anyone (including dogs) stomach trouble, but we bet this dog would do it again if he was given the chance. Dairy products aren’t healthy for us humans when consumed in large quantities, and some of us are more sensitive than others, so it makes sense it doesn’t agree with our furry friends either.

Yet, sometimes we eat or do things that aren’t good for us, even though we know we’re going to regret it later, just because it feels right at the moment. In a similar way, this dog probably didn’t think it through before he ate this bag of mozzarella.
He’s a lefty
This makes you wonder about one obvious question: does he realize he’s only chewing left shoes? Is he even aware of it? This has to be completely accidental! We’ve already seen that dogs can chew anything they want, and slippers are just the tip of the iceberg, so maybe they should be thankful.

Would they prefer it if eh chewed both shoes? I’m not sure. True, even if he chews only the left one, he might have well ruined both of them, since the pair is out of use altogether, but still, it seems like it could be worse. We see a simple solution here that doesn’t involve online shaming: hide the good shoes in the closet and by a couple of pairs of cheap shoes for him to chew away.
Motel swimming pool
If you’ve ever worked with cleaning supplies, you know that bleach is impossible to get out of fabrics and furniture. This dog, however, did not know that, and even if he did, he clearly didn’t spill the bleach on purpose! Look at his expression and his slanted posture – doesn’t he look terribly sorry to you?

Besides, he looks like an old dog, so perhaps he doesn’t see very well. I can see why it would be upsetting to have bleach all over the carpeted stairs and have your house smell like a cheap motel’s swimming pool (yes, we’ve added the “cheap”), and from our side, it’s easy to sit here and judge. Then again, when we think of the crime in question, perhaps he got off easy.
Growth chart
Measuring our kids as they grow up is always fun, and looking at it later fills us with sweet, nostalgic memories. This dog wanted to have his growth measured as well, from the time he was first brought to the house as a puppy. He couldn’t stand still while someone measured him, and he didn’t even share his plan with the rest of the house. He wanted to leave something to remember him by.

This was his way of making a growth chart, and you can certainly tell how much he’s grown. His parents probably aren’t thrilled with what he’s done to the doorpost, but changing it shouldn’t be a problem. Besides, he looks so proud of himself, why deprive him of that?
Stop and stare
We don’t think his expression is blank, we find it extremely sad. This dog looks like he’s been through a lot in life, and all he wants to do now is rest. If you ask us, this is even worse than a blank expression. If he gave us this look, we couldn’t resist petting him all day, to try and make him feel better.

We don’t know how this sweet, innocent creature could make anyone feel uncomfortable. Looking at those big eyes, it makes us feel like all he wants is to be understood, and perhaps that’s why he sits and stares at people. Instead of online shaming him, his family should try to sympathize with him.
Treasure hunting
We’ve already established that most dogs don’t appreciate the treats we buy for them. They rather eat our food, our slippers or anything else they could get their paws on that it ours. Perhaps it makes them feel closer to us.

These two rascals rummaged through the bathroom when they were left alone, and they found a treasure in the lady’s drawer. This was something they’ve never seen before, which made it so precious, and of course, they couldn’t keep their paws off this weird treasure they’ve found.
I wouldn’t be worried about the color of his poop, but eating crayons sounds like it could be quite dangerous. First, it seems as if they might be poisonous, and second, this little Pug could choke on them. There’s a reason why we don’t let our kids eat crayons, and dogs shouldn’t be allowed to eat them either.

When kids try to eat crayons at school, they get a time-out, and when dogs eat crayons, apparently, they are shamed online. The obvious solution would be to hide the crayons from this mischievous Pug, who looks pretty upset at the moment.
Best friends
We could think of several reason as to why this dog tried to eat his new housemate: he’s a dog, and they try to eat anything they see; he mistook her to be food; he was jealous of all the attention this hedgehog was getting and he wanted her out of the way. We all get a little jealous sometimes, so there’s no place for criticism here.

However, he didn’t know the kind of hedgehog he was dealing with. This hedgehog wouldn’t be intimidated or driven away by anything or anyone, and she decided to give the dog a piece of her mind. She doesn’t need to do a lot – just chasing him around the house is enough to scare him.
Who cleaned it up?
Dog owners wouldn’t be surprised by this, but if you’ve never owned a dog, you wouldn’t believe their appetite. We weren’t kidding when we said they eat anything that comes their way, including an entire family-sized pizza, glittery Christmas ornaments and now this – six rolls of raw bread. That’s just dough, and it can’t be good for dogs, much like it isn’t good for us. No wonder he had to throw it all up as soon as they had arrived at the vet’s office.

Now let’s take a minute to talk about this sneaky cat: when the dog was caught and punished for his actions, the cat probably didn’t stand by his side to defend his friend, but looked at this scene from the sidelines and laughed his heart out.
Working from home
Our pets had to adjust to us working from home as much as we had to adjust to the new situation. During these uncertain time, it’s easy to think about our own struggles and forget about our pets, who are also going through a difficult time. Every pet might react differently to this situation, and some take it better than others.

Not this cat, however. Clearly, this cat was having a hard time with his mother home all day. It wasn’t necessarily a bad change, but it was a change, and he simply didn’t know how to react. That’s why he kept interrupting her on conference calls – that was his way of coping with the new situation.
Duck you
Anyone saying anything bad about this duck’s hair is either lying or they’re jealous. It’s not often you see a duck with such groomed hair, and you can see that he’s proud of it. Like the story of Samson – a legendary Israelite warrior whose source of strength was his long hair – many of us take pride in our hair and derive our power from our hair.

This duck reminds us of Samson – his hair is his secret weapon, his source of power. Why would you want to take that away from him? That’s the one thing that separates him from the rest of the ducks, the inferior ducks, the ones that don’t have an impressive duck-mane. Shaming him for that probably means that someone is jealous.
Sheep are usually considered unintelligent animals. If you look up sheep online, you’ll find videos proving our point – they aren’t the smartest tool in the shed. Although they seem sweet and innocent, sheep can also be quite mean and violent. Since they aren’t very bright, they’re not mean out of spite, this is just their behavior.

It almost seems as if this sheep is here to emphasize our point, and we can assure you there was no editing of any kind was involved in this photo. This woman wanted to online-shame their sheep after it attacked her car. For some unexplained reason, the sheep just ran towards the car and slammed her head in the door, trashing the car. It seems as if she deserves this online shaming.
Now you’ve upset Gam-Gam
When dogs want to play they fetch a ball, when cats want to play they chase a string around the house, and apparently, when lizards want to play, they pretend to be dead. I guess there isn’t much they can do for fun around the house, and so pretending to be dead is like a game for them.

Of course, for us this could be quite alarming. We’re sure he didn’t mean any harm by that, and it was probably nothing but a silly prank, but we can see why it made Gam-Gam so upset. We didn’t realize lizard could pull pranks on us, but there’s so much we don’t know about them, and we didn’t expect to learn so much from this list!
For treat’s sake
Our pets would do pretty much anything for treats. If they had to, they would sell their best friend for treats. Essentially, there’s nothing in the world pets love more than treats. Usually, when we talk about treats we’re thinking of dogs and sometimes cats, but as it turns out, the same applies to pet pigs.

This pig has learned that he gets rewarded for doing his business outside (and these rewards are usually delicious treats), and it didn’t take him long to start manipulating his owner for treats. Whenever he felt like it, he’d pretend to take his business outside, and come back to claim his reward. Unlike sheep, pigs are wise animals, so much so, they’ve learned how to manipulate us for treats!
Sneaker humper
Just like us humans, every animal has its eccentricities and guilty pleasures. This duck, for example, likes to get funky with shoes. Before you ask – we’re not sure what kind of shoes, and it probably doesn’t matter. The point is, after trying pretty much everything to help him overcome his weird habit, his owner resorted to online shaming.

Hopefully, this would do the trick. The duck already seems rattled, although he might not realize what’s happening. Nobody likes to be shamed for their guilty pleasures, but in this case, it seems like he didn’t leave them any choice. They want him to overcome his bad habit, but they also want to have their shoes back.
Neighborly behavior
After going through the list of pet antics, we’ve come to the conclusion that chickens and birds aren’t very friendly. They like to terrorize and frighten innocent children for no apparent reason, and they like to antagonize the neighbors. Poor neighborly behavior is a nation-wide issue, but we never realized farm birds could be a part of it.

Bad neighbors are something we’ve all had to deal with at some point in our lives, but we never thought a bad neighbor could be a chicken. Usually, bad neighbors are loud, rude or inconsiderate, but how do you deal with a neighbor that leaves unwanted “gifts” on your porch? That’s unprecedented.